Special Session: Robots in Architecture

May 23rd, 1pm to 4pm

Toronto Metropolitan University

Target Audience:
The event is targeted at members of the Association for Robots in Architecture, but all attendees of ROB|ARCH 24 are invited to participate! All attendees and presenters of the Special Session have to be registered in order to participate.

The Special Session: Robots in Architecture invites members of the Association for Robots in Architecture to come together and discuss current applications and future approaches to automation and robotics, from cutting-edge industrial applications to innovative prototypes in the creative industries.



  • Welcome by Sigrid Brell-Cokcan and Johannes Braumann (Association for Robots in Architecture)
  • KUKA|prc Insights by Johannes Braumann (KUKA|prc main developer)
  • KUKA|prc in the cloud by Ethan Kerber and Sven Stumm (Robots in Architecture Research)
  • Expert Presentations (invited/curated)

The goal of the session is to connect robot users in the creative industries. It will consist of a series of invited expert presentations as well as presentation slots that will be curated by the Association for Robots in Architecture.


Call for Special Session Presentations:

We invite you to take an active role in the Special Session: Robots in Architecture! If you are interested in presenting and discussing your work at the special session, contact johannes@robotsinarchitecture.org until May 9th.

Each presentation will be 5-10 minutes long and should be project-oriented – i.e. the core of the presentation should be a “project”, which can be interpreted very loosely, from a novel software approach, to innovative hardware, to an installation/building/object that was robotically produced.

In your email, please provide the following:

  • Name, contact details
  • Brief professional background of you / the institution you represent
  • Title and approximate content of your proposed presentation

The presentations will be selected by the Association for Robots in Architecture. Certificates of attendance can be provided to the selected presenters.